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Saturday, March 12, 2011

DC Gallery Congratulating Goguma International Fans.

숨피의 용서 팬페이지가 2,000페이지를채워서 새로 이사를 갔답니다.
저도 처음 알게 된 사실인데 숨피는 2,000페이지를 채우면 새로운 thread를만들어야 하나봐요.
아래 주소 링크가 새로 이사간 곳이네요. 어제까지도 힘들어하던 분들이 많았는데 새로 이사가면서
축제 분위기로 새로운 시작을 다짐하고 있네요.
숨피의 해외팬들은 이곳 우갤을 즐겨찾기 해놓고 굉장히 맘으로 의지하는 거 같아요.
Congratulations, 아니면 Thank you라고 댓글에 달아주어서 같이 축하해주면
그분들이 분명 여기글 보고 좋아할 거 같아요.

지금 트위터에 yongseo를 검색하면 아래글이 엄청 많아요.
Yongseo Soompi Thread #1 has 40,000+Replies; 18,796,085+ views & 2000+ pages.
Gogumas are amazing for showing so muchlove for Yongseo ♥

첫번째 Thread 정말 대단해요. 4만개 이상 리플에,페이지뷰가 1천8백만이 넘었다니...ㄷㄷㄷㄷ

Source: DC gallery

Translation credits: -insideout

Soompi's Yongseo fanpage filled up 2,000 pages so they moved to a new place.
I learned this for the first time too, but if a soompi page hits 2,000 pages it seems like they have to make a new thread.
The link below is the new place they moved to. Even until yesterday there were a lot of people having a hard time, but while moving to a new place, in a mood of celebration they are making a resolution to start anew.
Soompi's international fans added this WGM DC Gallery as a link, and I think they rely on us a lot with their hearts. {t/n: kinda difficult to express this part in english}

In the replies here
I think we we leave a Congratulations, or Thank you and congratulate them, those people will definitely see it and enjoy it as well.

If you search "yongseo" in twitter right now, this following message comes up a lot:
Yongseo Soompi Thread #1 has 40,000+Replies; 18,796,085+ views & 2000+ pages.
Gogumas are amazing for showing so muchlove for Yongseo ♥

The first thread is really amazing. with over 40,000 replies, and the viewcount is over 18,000,000...

And more here and here

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